May 13th to Brisbane and West End 478 km
Driving from Roma at 0800 it was just us and unknown cars, no Austin Healey friends. The road from Roma to Chinchilla was bad. Uneven was just the first name. Parts were better and parts were in the process of getting better. There were many road works. Even after Chinchilla, the road was partly poor but larger parts were made better. The traffic increased the closer we got to Toowoomba.
Up until Chinchilla it was mixed woodland and cornfields. After Toowoomba, the road goes down on the east side of the Great Dividing Range.
Morning coffee at a cafe in Chinchilla. Good coffee but old muffin. We had lunch in central Toowoomba. From there it was the dual carriageway and later motorway. Got to Brisbane and West End before rush hour traffic.
Summary of the trip is that we have seen a lot and had a great time with our friends in Australia. It has been too short a time to make this trip. Many Australians make a similar journey. They spend 6 months to 2 years traveling around the continent. What we did was really just drive forward from Brisbane to Perth and took another road back to Brisbane.
We regret nothing, have many fine memories of this trip and can definitely say that we have had fun driving around an island. Meter position when returning car 16948 km on 20 May. Started in 2000 (Tripmeter) almost 15,000 km in total in 56 days.
Mölle April 2020 Cecilia and Raoul
Neil Tregea, David Railton, Glenda and Wayne Rabnott, Diana O'Hara and David Leybourne, Helen and Noel Standfast, Jan and Peter Cowen, For all help and company during this time.
Special thanks to Neil Tregea for help with correction of facts grammar and spelling.
Our English has many flaws and we hope that you read this text from the trip is read with this in mind. All errors are ours.