Austin Healey Owners Club of Qld. Inc.

For Sale: Jensen books for sale


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We've received the following message from the President of the Jensen Car Club of Australia.

The Jensen Car Club of Australia has acquired all the unsold books of the late respected motoring author Richard Calver. One of his titles, available in both soft cover and hardcover with slipcase, is "All The Models" covering every car or commercial Jensen ever made including producing every model of Austin Healey - the 420 page book has over 40 pages on Austin Healey alone.

The books at $20 are available through our Club Shop: Jensen Car Club Australia Shop - Books & Publications or check out the Club website at

I have also listed the softcover on eBay with photos and details of the book at

These books have significant interest for Healey owners. As you may know, Donald Healey had been friends with the Jensen brothers Richard and Alan before any business association, and the Jensen Motor Company produced bodywork for Donald Healey's cars.Click herefor Patrick Quinn's interesting article which provides more information about the "Jensen - Austin - Healey Connection". Once production of Austin-Healeys ceased, Donald Healey looked for another partner to produce his cars and eventually, Kjell Qvale, who imported mainly British cars to the United States suggested Jensen. Qvale became a major shareholder in Jensen, made Donald Healey chairman, and the Jensen-Healey resulted.

Carindale QLD

Derek McLeod
0405 150 859

Austin Healey Owners Club of Qld. Inc.
1376 Old Cleveland Road Carindale QLD 4152
Phone 0405 150 859
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