Austin Healey Owners Club of Qld. Inc.

Distinguished Gentlemen's Drive - Brisbane

Sunday, 29 September 2024
8:00am - 3:00pm

Brisbane Tramway Museum, 20 Tramway St, Ferny Grove - View on Google maps

This year's drive will be starting from the Brisbane Tramway Museum at Ferny Grove.

Please arrive from 8:00am

There will be a coffee vendor and live entertainment from 8:00am

We will be in cars and pulling out of the Tramway Museum at 09:30

Please come along with enough time to park your cars alongside all the lovely old trams of Brisbane and have a look around the museum and enjoy a morning coffee.

There will be a quick speech about route information and other things just before we jump in our cars and head off.

We will head out for a leisurely drive out through the mountains and make our way to The Bottletree Hotel in Glamorgan Vale.

The drive is 90KM and is estimated to take approx 1.5 hours.

We will arrive at the Bottletree Hotel at approximately 11:30am.

Once at the Bottletree Hotel with all the cars parked on display again, everyone is free to mingle, grab a drink, have some lunch and I will also be giving a quick speech and announcing winners of a few fun things provided by our wonderful sponsors again.

There will be more live entertainment at the Bottletreel Hotel, so feel free to hang out as long as you want for the rest of the afternoon.

Most importantly, this event is based around raising important funds for men's mental health programs and prostate cancer research so please can I ask you to do a solid push before the big day and try and get our fundraising numbers as high as possible. 

To participate, please register at: Register Here

Kip Mcintyre


Brian Mallon
0412 737 164

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Coming events

Sunday, 29 September 2024
Distinguished Gentlemen's Drive - Brisbane

Wednesday, 2 October 2024
AHOC Qld Monthly Meeting

Saturday, 5 October 2024 – Sunday, 6 October 2024
Caloundra Weekend & Qld Air Museum

Thursday, 17 October 2024
Breakfast Run to Beenleigh Historical Village

Saturday, 2 November 2024
Garage Visit

Wednesday, 6 November 2024
AHOC Qld Monthly Meeting

Wednesday, 4 December 2024
AHOC Qld Monthly Meeting

Austin Healey Owners Club of Qld. Inc.
1376 Old Cleveland Road Carindale QLD 4152
Phone 0405 150 859
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